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Once you have successfully made the payment for your order, you can get the tracking details from My Account Section.
Goto My Account > Orders History > [#OrderNo] View
The tracking details will be displayed here, once your order is ready for dispatch. You will also get an email on your registered email address with the Order Summary and Tracking Details when your order is dispatched.

Goto My Account > Orders History > [#OrderNo] View
The tracking details will be displayed here, once your order is ready for dispatch. You will also get an email on your registered email address with the Order Summary and Tracking Details when your order is dispatched.

You need to enter your company's GSTN on the checkout page to avail the GST ITC. The below image shows the box to enter GSTN. 

The GSTN mentioned on the checkout page will be displayed on the invoice along with other details. In case you forgot to enter GSTN while placing the order, and would like to avail the GST ITC, than please get in touch with our Team on as soon as possible.
We need to check if both of your orders can clubbed into a single parcel or not, and it depends on whether the parcel is ready for dispatch, or under packing, or extra freight needs to be charged due to increase weight etc. So, you need to contact our Sales Team for the same. You can find the our Sales Team's contact details here.
Generally, when the status of the order does not change to "Processing" even after the payment has been successfully debited from you, we do not receive it in most cases. And the payment would be either with the payment gateway or your bank. In such scenarios, we advise you to wait for 10 to 15 minutes, for the order status to change. After that, you can make the payment again for the order. If you have been debited twice, than you would be refunded within 3-10 days, by bank or payment gateway.
You can have a look at our Returns And Cancellation Policy. You need to contact our sales team for cancelling the Order from here.